holly angelina craib

eerie environments

“do you ever look up?”

ID: illustration of a large tree in a snowy setting. there is a creature in the tree and others scattered throughout the scene.

“room 1”

ID: illustration of a dark room with a creature standing in the corner.


ID: illustration of a bathroom. there is a creature partially visible behind a shower curtain.

"angel in the snow"

ID: illustration of a snowy road. there is a large creature walking in the distance.

“room 2”

ID: illustration of a bedroom behind a partially opened door. a creature is seen poking out from under the bed.


ID: illustration of a snowy road. there is a pale creature with glowing eyes in the centre, and a few dark creatures off to the sides.


ID: illustration of the moon above the ocean. there are several creatures reaching their hands out towards it.

“in a world of only monsters, there is no underbelly”

ID: illustration of a winter street. there is a dark creature in the foreground.

"the building across the way has eyes that bore into my back."

ID: illustration of a building at night.


ID: illustration of a dark creature with a glowing head walking in the snow.


ID: illustration of a winter street. a glowing figure is suspended above the ground beneath a streetlight.

“all i need”

ID: illustration of a road in early evening. there are a couple figures poking their heads out from behind the trees.


ID: illustration of a road with an oncoming car in the distance. there is a glowing creature levitating in the street.


ID: illustration of a dark hallway. a creature lurks near the top of a staircase.


ID: illustration of an intersection. there is a creature walking off to the left.


ID: illustration of a snowy winter street.

"identify your demons"

ID: illustration of several dark creatures with glowing eyes suspended in a tree.

"early morning i saw it standing there. i blinked and blinked yet there it was."

ID: illustration of a snowy street. there is a creature standing off to the right.